Monday, April 21, 2008

Passion flower, Maypop... Passiflora incarnata

The Maypop is a common native, roadside weed, found throughout many areas of the Southeastern United States, where it often grows in large masses in ditches and open fields. It derives this common name from the way it just seems to 'pop' out of the ground in May.The Passion flower, cultivated throughout most of the rest of the country, and sometimes grown as a house plant, was named by early missionaries in the early 1500s. They believed that several parts of the plant, including the petals, rays, and sepals, symbolized features of the crucifixion of Christ.Regardless of what you choose to call the Passiflora incarnata, These 3 inch diameter flowers are very unique and beautiful. They begin blooming in July and continue until frost. The vines can easily grow up to 15 feet in a season. Grow it on a fence or trellis, or simply allow it to scramble over your shrubs and trees.The fruit produced by this plant is an oval berry, a little larger than a chicken egg. Passion fruit is edible, but seedy. It can be used to make jelly, but its best usage may come from being a food source for several species of butterfly and their larvae.

Although Passion flowers are considered hardy in USDA zones 5-9, they should be planted in a protected location and mulched heavily if severe cold threatens. The top growth is killed back by frost, but 'pops' back to life in the Spring.Passion flowers are easy to grow. They need partial to full sun, and will adapt themselves to most well-drained soils. During the growing season, the soil should be kept evenly moist, to ensure good flowering and growth. Apply a balanced (10-5-20) fertilizer in the early spring, and then again six to eight weeks later. Maypops should be planted in early spring. They will benefit by the addition of compost to the planting hole.Passiflora incarnata may be propagated by softwood cuttings of fully mature wood in early summer. Cuttings will take 3 months or longer to root. It can also be grown from seed. The seeds must be soaked in warm water for 12 hours, before sowing indoors, in early spring. Germination may take up to a year, so be patient. It is probably best to keep the young plants indoors until the following Spring, and then plant them outdoors in their permanent homes.Passion flowers make excellent container grown plants in the home. Grow them in bright light, never full sun.

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